
House md season 5 episode 7
House md season 5 episode 7

house md season 5 episode 7

As Sister Augustine seizes in the clean room, Chase says, "She's in anaphylactic shock.".After House proves Sister Augustine's illness is an allergic reaction, Foreman hypothesizes it is to the tea which caused her arrhythmia.Cuddy suspects these are results of the hypotensive episode. Chase also says Sister Augustine's BUN, creatinine, ALT and AST are high. When Cuddy takes over Sister Augustine's case, she ascribes the labored breathing to pneumonitis.As Chase and Cameron leave, Foreman warns House that the chamber can cause oxygen toxicity. Chase hypothesizes mixed connective tissue disease, but Foreman objects, saying, "Her ANA was normal." Nonetheless, House orders that she be placed in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. After Sister Augustine's seizure, Foreman says she "tested positive for herpetic encephalitis," which Cameron says means her "immune system is severely compromised." Cuddy points out the prednisone could have caused that.Sister Augustine's tests prove she does not have Churg-Strauss vasculitis, so Foreman wants to believe House screwed up, but Cameron says it could be " thyrotoxicosis or a carcinoid." They pull Sister Augustine out of the machine, but she has a religious vision, so Foreman orders Ativan, saying her temporal lobe is swelling.In the clinic, House examines a department store Santa Claus whose inflammatory bowel did not respond to sulfasalzine, corticosteroids, 5-ASA or 6-mercaptopurine.He orders a chest CT on Chase's suggestion and prescribes prednisone. House counters that it could be Churg-Strauss vasculitis. House dismisses that and suggests vasculitis, which Foreman says wouldn't cause an elevated eosinophil count. Cameron then hypothesizes an allergic reaction based in part on elevated eosinophil count. As House and his staff discuss Sister Augustine's cardiac arrest, Cameron hypothesizes cellulitis, which could explain the tachycardia, but Foreman says that does not match the CBC results.He prescribes steroids and says her heart beating fast is the result of adrenaline. When Sister Augustine has a respiratory reaction, House calls it an asthma attack, for which he gives her epinephrine. House diagnoses Sister Mary Augustine's rash as contact dermatitis and prescribes the antihistamine called diphenhydramine and over-the-counter cortisone.(See the Medical Dictionary for all definitions.)

#House md season 5 episode 7 series#

This is the first time in the series - and one of the rare instances overall - in which House or any of the other lead characters appear in the cold open of the show. The only difference with this one is it's completely legal." No more, no less." Marvin protests that cigarettes are "addictive and dangerous." House says, "Pretty much all the drugs I prescribe are addictive and dangerous. House writes an unorthodox prescription: "Cigarettes. Marvin: A department store Santa Claus whose inflammatory bowel syndrome does not respond to steroids or other treatments.Sister Mary Augustine: She starts off as a clinic patient complaining of an allergic reaction causing a rash on her hands and arms.The device is removed, and she gets better in time for Christmas. An off-hand remark by Wilson inspires House to look inside her for the allergen, and he finds an outdated birth control device - the product of her reckless adolescence. Even in the clean room, she has another reaction. Sister Augustine is put in a clean room away from allergens, where she has a crisis of faith, but Chase - a former seminary student - counsels her. As Cuddy and House's staff treat Sister Augustine, House learns the tea she drank caused her cardiac arrest, so her other symptoms are the result of an allergic reaction. When House puts Sister Augustine on a dangerous treatment, Foreman goes to Cuddy, who takes him off the case. Cuddy believes House gave her too high a dose and threatens to report it as an error on his part. When she has an allergic reaction to those, he gives her an injection which puts her into cardiac arrest. At Christmas, Sister Mary Augustine checks into the clinic with a rash and bleeding hands, for which House prescribes antihistamines.

House md season 5 episode 7